Found 126 results
Evaluation of a compact butterfly-style photonic-electronic neural chip on complicated deep learning tasks. CLEO: Science and Innovations. SM2P. 6
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Integrated multi-operand optical neurons for scalable and hardware-efficient deep learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.19592.
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Light-AI interaction: the convergence of photonic AI and cross-layer circuit-architecture-algorithm co-design. Proc. SPIE PC12427, Optical Interconnects XXIII, PC1242701.
2023. Optically-interconnected, hardware-efficient, electronic-photonic neural network using compact multi-operand photonic devices. Proc. SPIE PC12427, Optical Interconnects XXIII, PC1242702.
2023. A point-of-care biosensor for rapid detection and differentiation of COVID-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2) and influenza virus using subwavelength grating micro-ring resonator. Appl. Phys. Rev. 10, 021410 (2023).
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A Compact Butterfly-Style Silicon Photonic–Electronic Neural Chip for Hardware-Efficient Deep Learning. ACS photonics.
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Compact thin film lithium niobate folded intensity modulator using a waveguide crossing. Optics Express. 30(6)
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Design and experimental demonstration of a hardware-efficient integrated optical neural network. Smart Photonic and Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits 2022.
2022. High-performance modified uni-traveling carrier photodiode integrated on a thin-film lithium niobate platform. Photonics Research. 10(6)
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Integrated electronic-photonic barrel shifter for high-performance optical computing. CLEO: Science and Innovations.
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Integrated lithium niobate intensity modulator on a silicon handle with slow-wave electrodes. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 34(18)
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Light in AI: Toward Efficient Neurocomputing With Optical Neural Networks-A Tutorial. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs. 69(6)
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MOS Capacitor Driven Silicon Microring Resonator with Large Wavelength Tunability. CLEO: Science and Innovations (pp. STh4G-2).
2022. Optoelectronically interconnected hardware-efficient deep learning using silicon photonic chips. Proc. SPIE PC12007, Optical Interconnects XXII, PC1200702 .
2022. Phase modulation using titanium dioxide strip on lithium niobate. Optical Materials Express. 12(8)
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Slotted Silicon Microring Resonator Gated by Transparent Conducting Oxide Capacitor. Slotted Silicon Microring Resonator Gated by Transparent Conducting Oxide Capacitor. In CLEO: Science and Innovations (pp. SF4M-4).
2022. SqueezeLight: A Multi-Operand Ring-Based Optical Neural Network with Cross-Layer Scalability. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems.
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Ultra-high extinction dual-output folded thin-film lithium niobate intensity modulator. IEEE Access. 10
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Characterization of field-effect mobility at optical frequency by microring resonators. Photonics Research. 9(4)
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Efficient On-Chip Learning for Optical Neural Networks Through Power-Aware Sparse Zeroth-Order Optimization. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Feb. 2-9.
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Electrically Tunable High-Quality Factor Silicon Microring Resonator Gated by High Mobility Conductive Oxide. ACS Photonics. 8(7)
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High-Speed Femto-Joule per Bit Silicon-Conductive Oxide Nanocavity Modulator. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 39(1)
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L2ight: Enabling On-Chip Learning for Optical Neural Networks via Efficient in-situ Subspace Optimization. Proc. NeurIPS.
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MOS Capacitor-Driven Silicon Modulators: A Mini Review and Comparative Analysis of Modulation Efficiency and Optical Loss. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 28(3)
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O2NN: Optical Neural Networks with Differential Detection-Enabled Optical Operands. IEEE Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE) Conference, Feb. 1-5.
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Scalable fast-Fourier-transform-based (FFT-based) integrated optical neural network for compact and energy-efficient deep learning. Proc. SPIE 11690, Smart Photonic and Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits XXIII, 116900I (5 March 2021);
2021. SqueezeLight: Towards Scalable Optical Neural Networks with Multi-Operand Ring Resonators. IEEE Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE) Conference, Feb. 1-5.
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Toward High-Speed and Energy-Efficient Computing: A WDM-Based Scalable On-Chip Silicon Integrated Optical Comparator. Laser & Photonics Reviews.
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Tunable High Quality-Factor Silicon Microring Resonator Driven by High-Mobility Transparent Conductive Oxide. CLEO: Science and Innovations.
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Two-beam coupling by a hot electron nonlinearity. Optics Letters. 47
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Wavelength-division-multiplexing-based electronic-photonic integrated circuits for high-performance data processing and transportation. Proc. SPIE 11690, Smart Photonic and Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits XXIII, 116900R (5 March 2021),
2021. 40 Gbit/s waveguide photodiode using III-V on silicon heteroepitaxy. Optics Letters, vol. 45, no. 11, 2954-2956.
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Analysis of microresonator-based logic gate for high-speed optical computing in integrated photonics. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics.
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Compact Design of On-chip Elman Optical Recurrent Neural Network. 2020 CLEO: Science and Innovations, pp. JTh2B.8. Optical Society of America.
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Curriculum Vitae 2020 (Ray T. Chen).
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Electronic-photonic arithmetic logic unit for high-speed computing. Nature Communications. 11(1)
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Femto-Joule All-Optical Switching Using Epsilon-Near-Zero High-Mobility Conductive Oxide. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 27(2), pp.1-9..
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FLOPS: Efficient On-Chip Learning for Optical Neural Networks Through Stochastic Zeroth-Order Optimization. ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), San Francisco, CA.
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Heterogeneous III-V Photodiodes on Silicon Nitride and Silicon. IEEE Photonics Conference 2020 (IPC 2020), virtual event, p.1-2, paper TuE2.1, Sept. 28- Oct. 1.
2020. Heterogeneously Integrated ITO Plasmonic Mach-Zehnder Interferometric Modulator on SOI. Scientific Reports, doi:10.1038/s41598-020-80381-3 .
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High-Speed Broadband Plasmonic-Silicon Modulator Integrated with Epsilon-near-zero Conductive Oxide. CLEO: Science and Innovations, pp. STh3O.5. Optical Society of America.
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High-Speed Evanescently Coupled Waveguide Type-II UTC Photodiode Under Zero-Bias. Tech. Digest Optical Fiber Commun. (OFC 2020), San Diego, CA, USA, March 8-12, 2020, pp. 1-3, paper W4G.6. .
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High-Speed Evanescently-Coupled Waveguide Type-II MUTC Photodiodes for Zero-Bias Operation. IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technol., 10.1109/JLT.2020.3014056, pp. 1-7,.
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High-Speed Femto-Joule per Bit Silicon-Conductive Oxide Nanocavity Modulator. arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.00983.
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High-Speed InGaAs/InAlGaAs Waveguide Photodiodes Grown on Silicon by Heteroepitaxy. 2020 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA, USA, 2020, pp. 1-2..
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High-Speed Plasmonic-Silicon Modulator Driven by Epsilon-near-zero Conductive Oxide. Journal of Lightwave Technology.
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Integrated WDM-based Optical Comparator for High-speed Computing. 2020 CLEO: Science and Innovations, pp. SM3O.1. Optical Society of America.
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Low Dimensional Material based Electro-Optic Phase Modulation Performance Analysis. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, doi:10.1109/JSTQE.2020.3041835 (2020).
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Low-voltage modulators using thin-film lithium niobate. Optical Interconnects XX, vol. 11286, p. 112860U. International Society for Optics and Photonics .
2020. Low-Voltage Modulators Using Thin-Film Lithium Niobate(Invited). SPIE Photonics West.
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