Co-PI Volker J. Sorger is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the director of the Orthogonal Physics Enabled Nanophotonics (OPEN) Lab at the George Washington University. His research areas include opto-electronics, nanophotonics, intelligent information processing, and photonic AI systems. Among his breakthroughs are the first micrometer-compact GHz modulator, strainoptronics photodetector, plasmon laser, and innovations such as multilevel photonic memory and photonic tensor core processor. For his work, Dr. Sorger received multiple awards among are the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), the AFOSR Young Investigator Award (YIP), the Hegarty Innovation Prize, and the National Academy of Sciences award of the year. Dr. Sorger is the editor-in-chief of NANOPHOTONICS, holds the position of the OSA Division Chair for ‘Photonics and Opto-electronics’ serving at the boards of OSA & SPIE. He is a senior member of IEEE, OSA & SPIE
Website: https://sorger.seas.gwu.edu/